十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校的吸引力很小, private college, 拥有知名研究型大学的知名度和声望. 我们的目标是帮助您实现您的目标-教育,个人和专业.
Penn State Altoona By the Numbers
Updated October 6, 2023
- 21 Bachelor's Degrees, 5 Associate Degrees, plus numerous minor programs
- 12:3 Student-to-Faculty Ratio
- 194 Full-time Faculty Members
- 2,421 Undergraduate Students
- Average age of 20 years
- 53.6% male; 45.4% female
- 4.6% International
- 6.4% Black or African American
- 7.7% Hispanic or Latino
- 4.3% Asian
- 889 on-campus housing spaces are available
Plus more off-campus housing locally - 60+ Student Clubs and Organizations
- 15 NCAA Division III Athletic Teams
Plus, club teams and intramurals - Students from 39 states and 43 countries
- 42,000+ Altoona Alumni
Part of Penn State's worldwide 750,000+ alumni network ranked #1 by College Magazine
About Penn State Altoona
Penn State Altoona 是十大网投平台信誉排行榜的一所本科学院, 全国最大和最广泛认可的学术机构之一. 校园招收了近2500名学生,并提供 twenty-one bachelor's degrees. There are also five associate degrees 加上前两年的学习,整个十大网投平台信誉排行榜提供了超过275个学士学位专业.
Penn State Altoona accepts students transferring 来自所有十大网投平台信誉排行榜校园、社区学院和其他认可的学院和大学.
位于美丽的宾夕法尼亚州中部, Penn State Altoona’s two campuses serve a growing and vibrant region. The 171.5-acre Ivyside campus includes a number of academic buildings, residence halls, an athletic complex and fields, 还有一个反射池(里面有鸭子).
The dynamic Downtown Campus 特色实验室轨道交通工程, IST programs, and Nursing, along with a Communications suite, an Entrepreneurship center, 支持学院商业和会计课程的教室和办公室, 以及发展和校友关系办公室.
Housing and Food Services
Penn State Altoona’s four residence halls 为889名学生提供校内生活体验. A variety of off-campus living options are also available.
Port-Sky Café is where hunger is satisfied. 该设施包括一个有几十种餐饮选择的美食广场, a coffee and baked goods center, and two spacious dining rooms.
Meal plans 住在校内和校外的学生都可以享受吗.
Robert E. Eiche Library
Eiche Library 提供大量的教科书、期刊、休闲读物、dvd和cd. There are printers, scanners, computers, and a photocopier available for use, 加上电子设备,如静止和视频摄像机, laptops, MacBooks, and iPads. 也有大量的自习室和个人学习空间.
The library’s lower level is home to the Student Success Center and the Writing Commons,提供同行和专业辅导以及其他学术援助.
Steven A. Adler Athletic Complex
最近翻修的体育中心包括两个体育馆, a fitness center, a natatorium, 两间多功能厅,可进行各种休闲健身活动. It is also home to our intercollegiate athletics program, recreation offices and facilities, and Kinesiology degree program.
户外运动设施包括一个垒球场, a baseball field, an all-purpose athletic field, tennis courts, and Spring Run Stadium, home to an eight-lane, all-weather track, a soccer field, and a 2,000-seat grandstand.
海特家族支持的Altoona LaunchBox 一个免费的加速器和联合办公空间是为早期创业公司提供建立和维持业务所需的支持和资源而设计的吗. LaunchBox是“发明十大网投平台信誉排行榜”计划的一部分.
Sheetz卓越创业中心 我们的许多商业和创业项目都是在哪里进行的. 该中心包括一个小型贸易陈列室、一个企业孵化器、教室和会议室.
The Sheetz Fellows Program 通过指导,塑造学生走向世界, community service, internships, study abroad, and research. There are workshops, seminars, and professional development experiences, 所有这些都是为了培养学生的领导能力和公民意识.
米西亚尼亚家庭表演艺术中心 offers numerous cultural, performing, 以及十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校和社区全年的视觉艺术项目. The Center includes a 400-seat theatre, a dance studio, costume and scene shops, art studios, and Mac computer labs. 其他活动在McLanahan和Sheetz艺术画廊以及Titelman研究中心举办.
学生和公民参与中心 为学生提供与他人和社区联系的机会. Through the Center, 学生可以加入俱乐部和组织, serve and lead the campus, 并参与不同形式的公民参与. 参与意味着学生积极参与,成为更好的公民,有所作为.
Out-of-Class Learning
What is Engaged Scholarship?
- Study abroad/study away programs 为学生提供机会,让他们在与他们成长和传统学习环境截然不同的社会和文化环境中学习.
- The Center for Community-based Studies 让学生在现实世界中解决问题的机会,挖掘知识, skills, 以及他们在学术研究中形成的观点.
- Internships 对今天的大学生至关重要吗. Nine out of ten employers indicate that they are more likely to hire a recent college graduate if they have had a successful internship; more than 40 percent of new college hires come directly from an employer’s internship pool.
- Opportunities for 本科生研究和创造性探究 abound at Penn State Altoona; many students begin their research experience in their freshman year.
通过这些具有变革性的课外体验, 学生得到十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校教师的个人关注, 有机会与同学一起进行短期或长期的项目, 还有和其他学校的老师交流的机会, visiting scholars, and graduate/postdoctoral students. 在其他高等教育机构, such personal mentoring from faculty is usually only available to senior graduate students; at Penn State Altoona, it is the norm.